Safety measures of dating online

 The safetyness of online dating is to take precautions and measures to protect yourself while on a dating site, as you read further you will agree with me that online dating can be safe if you take the right measures, for one to be safe you first have to protect some of your personal information e.g like your real identity, what you do for living, where you work, you financial status so on and so forth, until you are sure that this person has a good intentions towards you, as time goes on you exchange numbers and start chatting with the and calling each other and always remember this, do no visit someone you met online alone or in a lonely place always make sure you see each other in a public place and tell a friend or a family member where your about is, if possible drop the person contact with them, why because you haven't really known whom this person is so you have to let your five senses be very active and at alert at all times,if you apply this measures then dating online will be as safe as meeting someone in real. </


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